Planning and Master Plans

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Planning Services

EMCOG offers a range of planning services that is available to the members in our fourteen county region that includes assisting communities with plan and ordinance preparation, and planning support to the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, or the local governing body. EMCOG staff is also available to assist in updating existing master plans.

Master Plans

Master Plans provide a means to develop or improve (land, a community, a building complex, or the like) through a long-range plan that balances and harmonizes all elements of a community. Included in the Master Plan is an analysis of a community&'s social and economic characteristics, natural resources, transportation network, physical infrastructure and public utilities, recreation, schools, and existing land use patterns. EMCOG has worked with many local governmental agencies in updating Master Plans to comply with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, which requires that Master Plans be updated every five (5) years.

Michigan Planning Enabling Act of 2008

Master Plan Update Guide